Do You Need Rings To Get Married?

Do You Need Rings To Get Married?

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There is something special about giving your husband or wife a symbol of your love on your wedding day. These special rings are typically made out of a precious metal and feature sparkling gemstones. The circle of a wedding ring symbolizes eternity and your promise of forever to each other. 

Wedding rings have a lot of meaning so that most every couple chooses to continue the tradition of giving  them to each other on their wedding day. 

Wedding rings haven’t always looked the same, or even have always had the same meaning behind them. In history, wedding bands were sometimes used as a mark of ownership, but today they show your commitment and partnership with your spouse. They show that you will love each other till death do your part and that is something beautiful. 

Wedding rings are a symbol that you are married. But, for one reason or another, you may not have rings to exchange to each other on your wedding day. In this case, do you need rings to get married?

It is common for the husband and wife to exchange wedding rings on their wedding day. However, it isn’t a legal requirement that you have to have rings to get married. Having rings at the wedding ceremony is optional and you can still get married without them.

Wedding rings aren’t something that makes marriage official. You can still be engaged without an engagement ring and the same goes for being married. Neither of the couple has to have rings to officially be married. 

Wedding rings are simply a symbol of their marriage but if the couple chooses to get married without them, then this is entirely their decision. Exchanging wedding rings on your wedding day isn’t legally required for you to be married to each other. However, it is important that your officiant knows that you will not be exchanging rings. 

Religious ceremonies will most likely prefer the couple to have wedding rings, but courthouse weddings won’t. Most couples have a reason if they show up on their wedding day without rings. 

Many years ago, poor families didn’t have enough money to purchase wedding rings. They were still married, just unable to buy the token of love for one another. Today, we are more fortunate and there are many kinds of rings to choose from no matter your budget.

If you don’t have a reason, and just don’t want to get rings for each other that is totally fine. You can still get married. 

However, wedding rings are symbolic and a beautiful tradition. They are a great way to show the world that you love your spouse. If you can get rings for each other, you definitely should!

Wedding rings are a token of a groom and bride’s love for one another. In ancient Greece a token was attached as a custom to confirm an agreement. Today, this custom doesn’t have to be a wedding ring and can be skipped altogether. But, everyone looks forward to the day when they can slip that wedding band on their finger and show to the world that they belong to their beloved. 

But, wedding rings can be very expensive. If the couple is not financially ready to buy a ring for each other, they may skip out on it until they are financially ready to buy one. Or, the couple may be getting married quickly or at a courthouse. Sometimes when couples elope they don’t have the time to go out and choose wedding rings for one another in which case, they may not exchange them on their wedding day. 

If these are the case, you don’t have to worry because you don’t need rings to get married. Yes, it is a symbol of your love for one another and a beautiful tradition that most people do, but, for some reason or another, if you don’t have rings to exchange, then this is okay.

To see some popular wedding rings that won’t break the bank just click here. 

BeFab Silver 1.0 Ct (7x5mm) Emerald Cut Engagement Ring Accented Halo Wedding Ring Half Eternity Radiant Cut Anniversary Ring (Silver, 7)

Are Engagement Rings Mandatory?

Every girl dreams of the day when she’ll receive a glittering diamond ring from the person of her dreams. An engagement ring is usually sparkling and beautiful and given to a girl who agrees to get married. She is then presented with a ring as a symbol of love. 

Then, on their wedding day, she will get an additional wedding band added  to the ring and she will present her spouse with a ring as a symbol of her love. The ring indicates that she is to be married. It is usually given to her when the man proposes and is something symbolic just like a wedding ring. 

But, are engagement rings mandatory?

You do not have to have an engagement ring to be engaged or to get married. This decision is entirely up to the couple and what their personal preferences are. If they don’t have the finances or are getting married quickly, they may want to get engagement or wedding rings later.

Let’s look at some interesting facts about wedding and engagement rings:

  1. Wedding rings date back to ancient Egypt where they were used to signify a business contract between families.
  1. The first wedding rings were made out of copper, silver, and gold. 
  1. Today gold is the most common for wedding rings with yellow gold at the top.
  1. Wedding rings were originally worn on the thumb and middle finger. 
  1. It wasn’t until it was said that there was a vein in the left ring finger that led to the heart when wedding rings started to be worn on the left ring finger.
  1. Diamonds are the most popular stone to be found in wedding and engagement rings.
  1. Engagement rings are traced back to ancient Rome when women wore rings to signify a business contract or to affirm mutual love and obedience to a man.
  1. Early engagement rings did not have diamonds. Diamonds became popular in the late 1940s. Today, millennials are choosing other stones for their rings instead of diamonds.
  1. Gold rings used to only be worn outside of the home and an iron one to wear at home. The first engagement rings were made of ivory, flint, bone, copper, and iron.
  1. After years of being a mark of ownership, the engagement ring was declared to tell of a man’s intent to marry and not ownership. 
  1. Gold was and continues to be the most common metal to use for engagement and wedding rings.

Just like wedding rings, engagement rings are symbolic. They symbolize that you and your future spouse are going to be married and are about to begin a new phase in life. You love each other so much that you want to spend the rest of your life together. 

You can be married without a wedding ring and you can also be engaged without an engagement ring. If you aren’t able to or don’t have an engagement ring, you can still propose. 

A lady will still be engaged even if she doesn’t have a ring. Although it is a tradition that virtually everyone does, it isn’t mandatory. 

Amazon Collection Platinum-Plated Sterling Silver Infinite Elements Cubic Zirconia Round Cut Ring Set, Size 6

Final Thoughts

Wedding rings are timeless. Some traditions come and go but this is one that has lasted centuries and will likely last forever. But, if for one reason or another, you don’t have an engagement or wedding ring you can still get married. 

You don’t need rings to get married although it certainly is the most popular choice. 

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